Monday, October 26, 2009

World Currencies To Join In Race To The Bottom

Bob Chapman
The International Forecaster
October 26, 2009

The G-20 finance ministers meet in Scotland on November 6th and 7th, and they will all be bleating about the fall in the dollar. France started this week, and the others will follow. Their currencies are rising in value and they do not like it.
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Our government, Wall Street and many Americans are basing their future on stimulation and recovery and it isn’t going to happen. om Alex Jones. Instead he attempts to discredit what Jones says.

We expect other nations to follow, Mexico and Brazil in imposing a 2% tax on incoming funds and others will print their currencies and buy dollars to reduce the value of their currencies and at the same time buy US Treasuries that are decreasing in value. That will neutralize any benefit from the exercise. In addition, they will all scream for a strong dollar policy. By the time the meeting begins the dollar should be between 71 and 72 on the USDX, the dollar index. The weaker dollar means dollar debt will be cheaper to pay back. The big question is how long will it take for the dollar to fall to 40 to 55?

We are often asked how does today compare with the 1930s in tax revenue and government spending? In 1930-31 tax revenue fell almost 53%. It increased 250% in 1932 and tripled in 1938. Yet, growth during the 30s went nowhere. In spite of an increase of 45% in government spending during those years by 1940 GDP had not returned to the levels of 1930. In 1939 unemployment was still 17.2% and in 1940, 16.4%. This is the same monetary policy being used today that was used during the 1930s. Keynesian monetization that does not work. The only reason the depression did not continue is that FDR arranged another war, otherwise the depression could have continued indefinitely. The debt bubble of the 1920s only lasted seven years. Our present debt bubble actually began in 1978, was purged in 1982-83 and began again in 1986. It was killed in 1989 and resurrected in 1994. The bubble of 2000-2001 was replaced by our current real estate bubble in 2003, which is now in the process of deflating. The privately owned Federal Reserve engineered all this.

The current fiasco was accompanied by a shortfall in tax collections to government spending from 2003 to 2007. 2008 held its own due to cooking the books and 2009 fell almost 18%. Unless further tax increases are implemented you can expect 2009 to fall short as well. Thus, if taxes are not increased the American economy will collapse. This is harsh and tax increases will come at just the wrong time. It can in part by temporarily covered by hyperinflation, but that would be a transitory solution. 62.8% of foreign reserves are in US dollars, so as the dollar depreciates foreign debt decreases. The flip side is that there is major imported inflation, particularly in the cost of goods and services.

Present government stimulation is not going to work. It didn’t work in the 1930s and Japan has found out to its dismay that since 1992 it didn’t work for them either. Why should it work in America? The debt that has been so wantonly created is still going to be there and if taxes are not raised or costs cut, it will be even larger.

Our government, Wall Street and many Americans are basing their future on stimulation and recovery and it isn’t going to happen. This supposedly is how government is going to generate its tax revenue. All we can say is good luck.

At the G-20 and G-7 we hear about an exit strategy. A strategy that doesn’t exist. Others may raise taxes but we can assure you the US and UK will be the last to do so. They are currencies in disparate trouble. The dollar will find its real value somewhere between 40 & 55 on the USDX. The dollar will become a third world currency and as a result gold will climb to $2,500 to $3,000.

The G-20 let us know that they would be replacing the G-7 and G-8. This desperation of power to developing countries would expedite the transfer of wealth from Western nations in the third world via carbon taxation in order to lower standards to meet those of the lower tier countries. This is being done to force the first world to accept world government.

In his address to the conclave US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner told attendees that the US was going to legislate sweeping changes to the financial system under the guise of creating greater protection for consumers and investors and to promote a more stable financial system that would relieve taxpayers of the burden of the financial crisis.

The members still want to complete the Doha trade talks that have been bogged down for four years. What the WTO is really trying to accomplish is extreme financial deregulation under the cover of trade agreements, which would undermine genuine regulation and would make the entire world a free trade zone to be further looted by transnational conglomerates. The force behind WTO deregulation is the EU and they are pushing the worst aspects of the plan.

The WTO has an agreement called the FSA, the Financial Services Agreement that explicitly applies to more than 100 countries and mandates major deregulation. Mr. Geithner worked on this plan during the Clinton administration, so his regulation statements are meant for public consumption only. Incidentally, the WTO-EU rules are virtually unknown to the US Congress.

Geithner was the one who closed the deregulation deal for the Clinton entourage as lead negotiator. He knows all about the existing agreements. He was directly instrumental in the destruction of Glass-Steagall. The whole new crowd in the Obama administration was responsible for setting up what has become the destruction of our financial system.

The present US course is to re-regulate and that is in direct opposition to what the WTO and the EU want. There will be quite a fight over this change of direction by the US, especially over the WTO, Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services, which is severe deregulation. The bottom line is Doha, the FSA, WTO and the EU have to be stopped. More deregulation is now politically unaccepted by Americans who have lost so many jobs. There obviously are two factions within the Illuminist structure fighting this out. In fact, the FSA was largely written by American Express and AIG. These are some of the inner workings behind the scenes that you never hear about. Things are never what they seem to be.

The Treasury will have major issuances next week. On Monday alone they will issue $116 billion in new notes and bills, 2, 5 & 7-year paper; plus another $30 billion in bills and $7 billion in TIFS. Tuesday will see $44 billion in 2-year notes. On the 28th, $41 billion in 5-year notes and on the 29th, $31 billion in 7-year notes. That totals $182 billion and that is disastrous.

Domestic investors are selling the rally in domestic stocks at an accelerating rate while continuing to invest overseas, and in the emerging bond bubble.

Don’t’ be deceived by Wall Street and Washington, the worst remains ahead for the economic and systemic-solvency crisis. There are no meaningful signs of business recovery, with the current depression likely to evolve into a great depression, in conjunction with the collapse of the value in the US dollar and a hyperinflation. Risks are high for these crisis’s to explode in the year ahead. The general outlook is not changed says economist John Williams.

Mortgage application fell for a second straight week with refinance loans decreasing 13.7%, the lowest since 9/11/09.

Barclays Capital hosted a private meeting yesterday with Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn, CFO David Viniar and Global Sales and Treading co-heads David Heller and Harvey Schwartz.

How concerned are they about any new regulations on the financial industry? Not much. In a copy of the notes Barclay is putting out on the meeting, and obtained by, Goldman told Barclay that it is educating the regulators.

Barclay advised that senior Goldman management are spending an, “exorbitant amount of time thinking about potential regulatory and policy outcomes and educating regulators and policymakers on the intricacies of financial markets.”

The only picture I can conjure up is Blankfein and company educating, Gene Sperling (”Counselor” to Geithner) who last year took in $887,727 from Goldman

Lee Sachs (Geithner’s “right hand man”) who reported more than $3 million in salary and partnership income from the hedge fund Mariner Investment Group (started by Brace Young former Goldman partner) and Gary Gensler (Head of CFTC) former Goldman partner.

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